+ Temas de la Biodiversidad del Litoral Fluvial Argentino | Miscelánea 12 | Serie Miscelánea .: Publicaciones del INSUGEO :. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica :: CONICET - UNT :: Tucumán, Argentina

Miscelánea 12

Biodiversidad de Porifera en el Litoral Argentino. Grado de Competencia con el Bivalvo invasor Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae)

Inés Ezcurra de Drago

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BIODIVERSITY OF PORIFERA OF THE ARGENTINA MESOPOTAMIA. The freshwater of the world are included inseven families. Three of them are represented in the Mesopotamian Region of Argentina (where portions of the catchment areas of the Paraná, Uruguay and Río de La Plata river are developed): Spongillidae Gray, Metaniidae Volmer-Ribeiro and Potamolepidae Brien. In aggreement with others South American freshwater invertebrates taxa, the sponges show a considerable number of endemic species and genera. Spongillidae, the only cosmopolitan family, is represented only by three species and Potamolepidae, restricted to ancient large hidrographic basins of the Afrotropical and Neotropical Regions, has a hicgh value of species richness.

The geographic distribution of Argentine freshwater sponges shows a remarkable heterogeneity, being the specific richness and the highest density in the Mesopotamian region. The recent invasion of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in the Mesopotamian rivers determine a spatial competence of this exotic species with the sponges, since L. fortunei has been founded in the same sustrate that them. This fact could determine the lowering diversity of the sponges developed in the above mentioned fluvial hydrosystems.

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