Cambrian from the southern edge
Miscelánea 6
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In Memorian
An introduction to the geology of Precordillera, Western Argentina
Quebrada de Zonda Field Trip: The Cambrian carbonate sequence, litho and biostratigraphic features. Eastern Precordillera, Province of San Juan, Argentina
The Cambrian sequence on the type section of the Quebrada de La Flecha (Southern extreme of the Argentine Eastern Precordillera)
Cerro La Silla Field Trip: Cambrian and Lower Ordovician carbonate deposits of the Cerro La Silla Section, northern Precordillera, Province of San Juan. Stratigraphy and faunas (conodonts and trilobi
Field trip to the Eastern Ranges of Salta and Jujuy
The Cambrian-Ordovician siliciclastic sequence from the Tandilia System, Argentina
El Alisal: a new locality with trace fossils of the Puncoviscana Formation (Late Precambrian-Early Cambrian) in Salta Province
Trilobites and intercontinental tie points in the Upper Cambrian of Scandinavia
Evidences for relative sea-level fall, evaporite deposition and weathering of the source area across the Ovetian-Marianian transition (Lower Cambrian) in the northern Iberian Peninsula
Paleogeography and paleoenvironment sedimentary record of the Cambrian continental wedge of the Precordillera
Cambrian sponge spicules of the Argentine Precordillera
eview of the Argentine Precordillera Cambrian System
The Puncoviscana ichnofauna of northwest Argentina: A glimpse into the ecology of the Precambrian-Cambrian transition
Luis Alberto Buatois | M. G. Mángano | Florencio Gilberto Aceñolaza | Susana Beatríz Esteban
Late Lower Cambrian trilobite correlation between Spain and Jordan
Hydrothermal vent biota in Basal Cambrian black shales of the Yangtze Platform in China and their bearing on the so-called "Cambrian Explosion" of Metazoa
Sedimentary processes in the Cambrian-Ordovician mudrocks of Famatina Range, Northwestern Argentina
Lower and Middle Cambrian trace fossils from the Láncara and Oville formations in the area of Presa del Porma (Cantabrian Zone, northern Spain)
The lowermost Cambrian in the Valdelacasa Antieline (Central Spain): Some new paleontological data
José A. Gámez Vintaned | Teodoro Palacios | D. Fernández Remolar | E. Liñán
The demosponge Leptomitus cf. L. lineatus, first occurrence from the Middle Cambrian of Spain (Murero Formation, Iberian Chains)
The Cambrian in Israel and Jordan - the feather edge of the Mediterranean Realrn
Equinodermos del Cámbrico Español
The first ocurrence of the genus Tonkinella Mansuy, 1916 in the Spanish Middle Cambrian
Rodolfo Gozalo | E. Mayoral | José A. Gámez Vintaned | María Eugenia Dies
Lepopyge armata and associated trilobites from the Machari Formation (Middle to Late Cambrian) of Korea and their stratigraphic significance: a preliminary study
Ichnology, sedimentary dynamics, and sequence stratigraphy of the Mesón Group: A Cambrian macrotidal shallow-marine depositional system im northwest Argentina
Biochronology of Cambrian phytoplankton
New stratigraphic section to define the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in Eastem Cordillera, Northwest Argentina
Acritarch biostratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary in the Iberian Peninsula
A New Chronostratigraphic Subdivision of Cambrian for China
Stratigraphic and structural features of the Cambrian deposits at the Pedernal Range, Eastem Precordillera, San Juan Province, Argentina
The Cambrian-Ordovician in the Tandilia System, Argentina: sedimentary facies, trace fossils, paleoenvironments and sequence stratigraphy
The Early Ordovician trilobite genus Jujuyaspis in Australia
Carbon Isotope Chemostratigraphy of Carbonate Sequences and the Precambrian-Cambrian transition in NW Argentina
A. N. Sial | V. P. Ferreira | Alejandro J. Toselli | Florencio Gilberto Aceñolaza | Ricardo N. Alonso | M. A. Parada
An uppermost Cambrian trilobite fauna from the Yongwol Group, Taebaeksan Basin, Korea
Upper Cambrian trilobite faunas and biostratigraphy at Kakeled on Kinnekulle, Västergötland, Sweden
Biostratigraphic significante of the Uppermost Cámbrian-Lowest Ordovician agnostoid trilobites from northwestern Argentina: a review
Middle Cambrian Hadimopanella from Mila Formation in the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran
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