41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 12

Estudios paleoagrostológicos comparativos en sedimentos cenozoicos argentinos

Alejandro F. Zucol | Mariana Brea | Esteban Passeggi

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COMPARATIVE PALEOAGROSTOLOGICAL STUDIES IN ARGENTINEAN CENOZOIC SEDIMENTS. One-thirds of the Earth’s ecosystems are closely linked with grass-dominated vegetation. The evolutionary history of this ecosystem can be understood by comparative studies of the biotic component, but a paleontology approach is necessary to the major understanding of these evolutionary processes. The different methodologies applied in paleoagrostological studies are detailed in the present contribution; with special emphasis of phytolith analysis application in paleograsslands reconstruction. Paleobotanical and palynological background related to the South America Cenozoic paleoagrostology are summarized, and the different topics of these studies implementing at the present time in the Tertiary and Quaternary sediments of Argentina are described.

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