41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 12

Estudio Palinológicos en el Litoral fluvial argentino

Stella M. Pire | Luisa M. Anzótegui | Graciela A. Cuadrado

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PALYNOLOGICAL STUDIES IN THE ARGENTINEAN FLUVIAL COAST. A brief review of the actuopalynological studies about angiospermic flora of the Argentinean fluvial coast carried out in our country is presented. Most of they are palynotaxonomic studies and have constituted a valuable tool for the identification of species in works related to the aeropalynology, entomopalynology, melissopalynology and paleopalynology of this region. A special reference to the «Flora Polínica del Nordeste Argentino» published by the authors is done; this consists in the study of the pollen morphology, with both ligth microscope as well as scanning electron microscope, of the autochthonous and subspontaneous species that live in this region; at present two volumes have been published and a third one is in preparation; 80 pollen types of 36 families are described.

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