41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 12

Crustáceos Decápodos del Litoral Fluvial Argentino

Pablo A. Collins | Verónica Williner | Federico Giri

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DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS OF ARGENTINEAN LITTORAL FLUVIAL. The decapods is a group of crustaceans that has not been deeply studied in this freshwater environment, although during the last years there are some more papers making reference to these animals. In this work, It is showed a list of the Superior Crustaceans Superorden Eucarida that inhabits Argentinean territory. The data is based on some observations carried out by this work group and bibliography. Results and observations done on the biodiversity, trophic ecology, distribution, activity, growth, behaviour, ecotoxicology show it is developed as well as other work lines carried out by other investigators. This wide range of information has given enough material to argue about the importance of this group in the Argentinean Littoral Fluvial and even more to make people aware of the need for an increase in the searching.

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