41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 12

Diversidad de Peces en un tramo del Río Paraná Medio (Jaaukanigás, Sitio RAMSAR, Santa Fe, Argentina).

María Julieta Parma | Elly Cordiviola

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FISH DIVERSITY IN A STRECHT OF THE MIDDLE PARANÁ RIVER (JAAUKANIGÁS RAMSAR SITE ,SANTA FE, ARGENTINA).- The biogeographic area belongs to the Parano-Platense Province of the Brasilic Region, characterized by the great variety of lotic and lenitic environments. It comprises the biger rivers of La Plata Basin . Its ichthyofauna is integrated by a few number of big fish taxonomic categories, and a great amount of species, the most diverse among all the zoogeographic regions of the world. In relation to the trophic aspects the importance of the iliophagy in the system has been proved, by different methods. It is noticeable the high biomass of iliophagous (specially of the genus Prochilodus), which are the trophic sustent of big ichthyofagous fish.

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