41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 12

Monitoreo Extensivo de Aves en el Centro-Sur de Entre Ríos

Sonia Canavelli | María Elena Zaccagnini | Jerónimo Torresin | Noelia Calamari | María de la Paz Ducommun | Patricia Capllonch

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EXTENSIVE MONITORING OF BIRDS IN CENTER-SOUTH ENTE RÍOS. Monitoring bird species abundance over extensive areas could help to detect adverse effects of pesticides or contamination at regional level. As part of a national monitoring program, we designed a survey-sampling scheme to estimate the abundance of terrestrial birds and tentatively relate these estimations with pesticide use and massive mortality occurrence. During field surveys conducted in January and February 2002, and January 2003, we recorded 123 bird species in the centersouth of Entre Rios province. Observed species included both resident and migratory birds. Additionally, species included common birds associated with agroecosystems, bird species used for sport hunting and rare or endemic species. Using a geographic information system, we mapped species richness to provide a baseline for trend evaluation and contribute to conservation initiatives in the province.

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