41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 14

Análisis de la vegetación en tres tipos de hábitat de Carpinchos en la baja cuenca del Río Paraná, Argentina

Rubén D. Quintana | Nora Madanes | Ana Inés Malvárez | Fabio A. Kalesnik | Marcela Cagnoni

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COVER_TYPES CHARACTERIZATION IN THREE CAPIBARA’S HABITAT IN THE LOWER BASIN OF THE PARANA RIVER, ARGENTINA. The objective of the present work was identify and characterize the different cover-types in three capybara's habitat types of the lower basin of the Paraná River (Bajo Delta, Puerto Constanza and Villaguay) throughout the vegetation features. The different cover-types were defined according to the covering and dominance of species as well as the relative topographic position. Specific composition and abundance of the plant species were estimated in each of the different cover-types. These data were analyzed using a Correspondence Analysis (AC) in each habitat types. The whole floristic composition of the three areas was compared using a Sperman's Rank Correlation Coefficient. Results showed that the vegetation of Bajo Delta and Puerto Constanza was related with variations of the topographic position and, therefore, the flooding levels. In the Villaguay, on the other hand, vegetation in each cover-type was the results of the tree density and grazing level. Floristic composition was a adequate indicator of the natural and antropic differences within and among the different habitat types. Relative topographic position, flooding regime and disturbance level would be the main factors affecting the vegetation structure in the different covertypes of the three-studied habitat types.

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