41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 14

Composición Faunística y Distribución de Isoptera (Insecta) del Litoral

Gladys J. Torales | Juan M. Coronel | José L. Fontana | Enrique R. Laffont | Eduardo Porcel | María C. Godoy | Manual O. Arbino

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FAUNISTIC COMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ISOPTERA (INSECTA) FROM THE LITORAL REGION (ARGENTINA). The Litoral comprises 3 biogeographical regions (Chaqueña, Espinal and Paranaense), in which 68 termite species were detected. They belonged to the families Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae, with a conspicuous predominance of the last one. The best represented genera for each family were: Neotermes and Tauritermes (Kalotermitidae), Heterotermes (Rhinotermitidae), Nasutitermes and Termes (Termitidae). The Chaqueña Province showed the highest species richness, with 56 species distributed mainly within the Oriental District. Some of the termites built arboreal or epigeal mounds, but most of them (28 species) were subterranean or inquilines inside nests of other Termitidae. At the Espinal Province, 11 termite species occurred, 91% of them were located at the Ñandubay District. The dry-wood termites (Kalotermitidae) lived inside dead branches and epigeal as well as subterranean Termitidae nests were located at the grasslands. The termite species found at the Selvas District of Paranaense Province (8) were mainly wood-feeders, that nested within the wood or constructed arboreal nests. Nevertheless, it was at the Campos District were most of the Paranaense termite fauna was distributed (26 species), composed mainly by mound builders and subterranean species.

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