41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 14

Estudios cromosómicos en saurios y anfisbénidos del litoral fluvial argentino y área de influencia. Estado del conocimiento

Alejandra Hernando | Blanca B. Álvarez

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CHROMOSONIC STUDIES ON SAURIA AND ANPHISBENIDS. Morphological characters are traditionally involbed in taxonomic studies of Squamata. However, cytogenetic information from chromosome number, size and shape to molecular level can be an important contribution for systematics and phylogenetic analysis. In this paper, we summarize the karyotypic data available for lizards and amphisbaenians species distributed in the Argentinean littoral region. Chromosome formulae, banding patterns when exist and a brief remark about genera or families cytogenetic features are given.

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