41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 14

Aves del Valle del Río Paraná en la Provincia del Chaco, Argentina: Riqueza, Historia Natural y Conservación

Mario L. Chatellenaz

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BIRDS OF THE PARANÁ RIVER FLOODPLAIN IN CHACO PROVINCE, ARGENTINA: SPECIES RICHNESS, NATURAL HISTORY AND CONSERVATION. In this study, species richness, natural history and conservation of birds community of the Paraná River Floodplain in Chaco, Argentina, were described. In the studied area, 261 species were registered, which 168 were resident and 54 migrant. Palm grovestall grasslands and riparian forest were the habitats of the higher species richness, with 124 and 113 species of birds respectively. Data of the reproduction to 216 species were given too. Sixteen species of this area were considered threatened. Suggestions of future studies are proposed to promote conservations and sustainable use of these valuable environments.

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