41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 12

Aportes al Conocimiento de los Anfibios Anuros con Distribución en las Provincias de Santa Fe y Entre Ríos (Biología, Diversidad, Ecotoxicología y Conservación)

Rafael C. Lajmanovich | Paola M. Peltzer

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CONTRIBUTE TO THE KNOWLEDGEMENT OF AMPHIBIAN ANURA WITH DISTRIBUTION IN SANTA FE AND ENTRE RÍOS PROVINCES (BIOLOGY, DIVERSITY, ECOTOXICOLOGY AND CONSERVATION).- The focus of this chapter are the biology diversity, ecotoxicology, and conservation of anurans of the Santa Fe and Entre Ríos Provinces of Argentina. Riparian areas of the Paraná River offer favorable conditions for the existence and distribution of many species of amphibians. However, human impact (agriculture, biocide contamination, damps, and deforestation) has gradually altered the conditions of natural woods. In this section, longer-term studies carried out by authors, of toads and frogs in fluvial litoral areas of Argentina are shown. Principal topics of investigation are also presented. The authors advice that exhaustive monitoring of anuran community’s composition, structure and function are needed to separate the impacts and consequences of environmental and anthropogenic stress on these ecosystems. Indeed, these studies will help in our understanding of the status and conservation of amphibians in these litoral fluvial areas and will serve to help coordinate research and conservation efforts.

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