41 años | 1984 - 2025

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Miscelánea 12

Avifauna de la región biogeográfica Paranaense o Atlántica Interior de Argentina: biodiversidad, estado del conocimiento y conservación

Alejandro Raúl Giraudo | Hernán E. Povedano

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BIRDS FROM PARANAENSE OR INTERIOR ATLANTIC RAINFOREST OF ARGENTINA: BIODIVERSITY, STATE OF KNOWLEDGE AND CONSERVATION .-We analyzed the state of knowledge of the birds diversity in the Paranaense rainforest of Argentina (Misiones Province) including several aspect such as national and international importance, distributional patterns in relation with major fitogeographics divisions and conservation status of birds and theirs habitats. Paranaense rainforest is the richest region of Argentina with 547 species, 55 % of the Argentinean birds represented in approximately a 1.1% of the continental surface of this country. Internationally, this ecoregión is considered one of the five most megadiverse and threatened «hotspot». Indeed, 94 percent of the original forested area has been lost or drastically fragmented, and the remaining 5 percent shows varying degrees of modification. The area and quality of the forest remnants in each country (Brasil, Paraguay and Argentina) are different. Misiones, Argentina, retains some of the most continuous and least changed portions of the Interior Atlantic Forest (more than 1,100,000 ha). This large and relatively unfragmented forest area has a crucial role to play in the conservation of the Interior Atlantic Forest and its birds and biodiversity.

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